Jane Eriksson Dahl

Digital Transformation, Innovation, Agile Implementation

Jane Eriksson Dahl has a background in strategic software development from the IT-university of Copenhagen and an Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School. Jane has 20+ years experience in leading complex digital transformations in large organisations. She has established and scaled large in-house agile software development departments. Janes passion and motivation is value creating end-user driven digital innovation and transformation and she excels in navigating on strategic as well as on operational level. Her leadership is based on a visionary mindset founded in servant leadership and regenerative leadership principles. Jane is aiming to create organisations that thrive as well as excels in their purpose and daily business. 

Jane has thorough experience from regulatory industries such as pharma, Novo Nordisk, and finance, SimCorp, as well as the public sector, the Danish Tax Administration, the Danish Court Administration, and the Agency for Digital Government.

Jane’s services are designed to empower organisations to navigate the complexities of digital transformation successfully, leveraging her expertise and visionary approach to achieve sustainable growth and innovation, they include:

  • Strategic digital transformation consulting: Guiding large organisations through complex digital transformations by developing strategies that align with their business goals and customer/user needs.
  • Innovation and product development: Helping organisations establish innovation units and develop new digital products and services that meet market and user demands.
  • Leading innovation: Consulting services fostering a culture of innovation and enhancing innovation capabilities.
  • Agile implementation and scaling: Advising on the implementation of agile methodologies within software development and digital development departments, including scaling agile practices across the organisation.
  • Leadership coaching: Offering leadership coaching focused on visionary and servant leadership principles, especially tailored for leaders in technology and innovation sectors.
  • Public sector digitalization: Offering specialized consulting for public sector organisations on digitalization strategies, including the transformation of critical infrastructure projects into agile product organisations.

Jane Eriksson Dahl

Strategic Advisor

Global agenda setting with the Danish Refugee

Change happens at the edges of your industry and at the edges of society. At those edges, the opportunities for innovation and cross-fertilization are the greatest. We are heading into a decade of disruption where your ability to envision your own desirable future and motivate your organization is key to success. We are here to help.