We are your edge_

DareDisrupt is a consultancy and think tank. We have years of experience transforming organizations and inspiring minds by unlocking the potential of exponential technology and generative AI in particular. We also help companies navigate towards a better world by unpacking regenerative principles as they apply to leadership, strategy, and business model innovation. 

Offerings and expertise areas in brief 

We excel in helping companies navigate the future and implement generative AI by applying our expertise and frameworks on exponential technology, generative AI, the regenerative paradigm, and digital transformation.  

We hold talks, keynotes, workshops and implement generative AI for businesses, NGOs, unions, and public sector organizations.

Through our advisory work we also help companies with strategy, innovation, learning courses and digital transformation. 

Select work_

Empowering business for a genAI era​

We demystify generative AI for organizations and empower them to leverage its vast, transformative potential. Our engaging talks and workshops, delivered to over 300 clients, transform curiosity about this revolutionary technology into actionable insights. We make complex AI concepts accessible and relevant for day-to-day work, and we showcase real-world applications tailored to each industry.  

Whether through keynotes or in-depth workshops, we provide a balanced view of generative AI’s potential and its ethical implications for business and society. Participants can expect action-oriented insights on generative AI to their specific work and challenges, as well as frameworks for responsible AI integration and innovation. 


Harnessing Generative AI for Strategic Value

Generative AI holds enormous promise as a general purpose technology that will drive significant productivity and new business value for many industries. Hafslund, a leading Norwegian energy company, partnered with us to responsibly integrate generative AI, aiming to boost efficiency and innovation.

We implemented an integration program to reveal the breadth of generative AI uses for Hafslund. We trained staff to apply AI across business units, balancing top-down guidance with bottom-up innovation – and positioning Hafslund as an industry leader in leveraging generative AI for productivity and business transformation.

Showcasing the infrastructure services of tomorrow

Danish hardware infrastructure leader Aeven asked us to envision the future of digital infrastructure services. With an outside-in approach, we scouted signals of change in AI, energy, and quantum computing to provide Aeven with a 2030 perspective. This enabled Aeven to deepen its advisory role with clients, to focus in on new customer needs, and to elevate discussions beyond hardware to broader industry trends. 

By blending stability with foresight, Aeven is now poised to lead Denmark’s digital infrastructure services into the future. Our insights helped transform Aeven’s approach, equipping them to meet increasing data storage demands and pursue transformative opportunities. 

MeetDenmark: Pioneering Regenerative Business Events

In a time where sustainability is imperative, MeetDenmark sought to innovate beyond sustainability in the business events industry. We researched how to leverage regenerative business events, boosting Denmark’s competitiveness in business event tourism by envisioning futures beyond being “more sustainable.” 

Through expert interviews and research, we unpacked how the aim of regeneration might benefit companies as they seek to regenerate business event attendees, local communities, and nature alike. With actionable insights and tools for the industry, this provided a foundation for Danish business event companies to lead regenerative transformation in each their own way. With this, MeetDenmark is pioneering events that create impact beyond sustainability, setting a new global standard for the industry. 


Succes med generativ kunstig intelligens starter med ledelsen Ledelsen skal sætte retning og rammer så medarbejderne kommer i gang med effektiv og ansvarlig udbredelse og anvendelse af generativ kunstig intelligens i organisationen – en teknologi med bredt potentiale for at skabe ny værdi, innovation og effektiviseringer.

Who we are_

DareDisrupt is a Nordic think tank and consultancy. We are on a mission to create paths towards a desirable future. We learn about disruption from the intersection of technology and humanism. We teach. We scout. We make tools to help us think. Our strategic thinking emerges from sensemaking. We are currently asking what is beyond sustainability?

Global agenda setting with the Danish Refugee

Change happens at the edges of your industry and at the edges of society. At those edges, the opportunities for innovation and cross-fertilization are the greatest. We are heading into a decade of disruption where your ability to envision your own desirable future and motivate your organization is key to success. We are here to help.