We are your edge_

Change happens at the edges of your industry and at the edges of society.

Change happens at the edges of your industry and at the edges of society. At those edges, the opportunities for innovation and cross-fertilization are the greatest. We are heading into a decade of disruption where your ability to envision your own desirable future and motivate your organization is key to success. We are here to help.

Select work_

Uncovering big strategic bets
and new revenue streams

Copenhagen Airports wanted to explore and understand how accelerating technologies could be leveraged to create new revenue streams. Challenging them with the notion of ‘what is an airport’, and ‘is there such a thing as sustainable flying’ we helped map out technological, societal and political trends from which most strategic bets emerged. In one future, the airport is a platform, built on the principles of software design, where no single business element in the airport is built without a digital component. In another, the airport is a connector of partnerships within next generation fuels, which lay the foundation for one of the world’s largest Power-to-X projects founded with Copenhagen Airport as initiator.

Empowering future impact founders

Founders of Tomorrow is a non-profit initiative bringing together changemakers to learn about global challenges, disruptive technologies, and entrepreneurship. Each year the one-week impact bootcamp brings together 60 people to create radical ideas for businesses and initiatives contributing to a better future for people and the planet. The rest of the year we support over 400+ strong alumni of changemakers and the many companies founded from the camp. Founders of Tomorrow is supported by the Danish Industry Foundation and produced by DareDisrupt since 2015 and has fostered 25+ new impact-driven companies and multiple other initiatives. See more at www.foundersoftomorrow.com

Bringing stranded assets back to life with ‘Science-based innovation’

Can a drilling company be relevant in a fossil fuel free future? And what are the ethical dilemmas in supporting a transformation? In an openhearted and stimulating collaboration with Maersk Drilling’s Innovation Team we united around the notion of science based innovation and the technologies enabling such future. In this future, the climate crisis is significantly exacerbated, the price on carbon is defined by scientists and has increased manyfold while carbon capture technologies have improved exponentially. In this nexus, Maersk Drilling identified an opportunity for turning stranded assets and problems of the past, into solutions for the future. The idea to retrofit existing oil infrastructure for permanent CO2 storage was soon taken one step closer to reality when they launched the world’s first research project in this space. The aim is to develop the capacity to store approximately 3.5 million tons CO2 per year by 2030, matching the Danish Climate Council’s recommendations of actions needed to meet Denmark’s 70% reduction target.

Igniting innovation across
companies – virtually

Through a series of immersive virtual learning experiences bringing in technology experts, industry thought leaders, and signals from the edge, we built a shared language around innovation and a new mindset for understanding the future. 120 people across G2 Oceans’ companies were upskilled in innovation and made ambassadors empowered with the tools to anchor, nurture and grow the companies’ capacity to make sense of future innovation opportunities.

Global agenda setting with the Danish Refugee Council

Together with Denmark’s largest international NGO, we embarked on an 2-year journey to  explore two new complex global agendas – the climate crisis and the digital divide – and their impact on the future for displaced people. We opened ourselves up to new communities of practitioners and thought leaders with whom we learned and defined the sphere of influence for an NGO like DRC. The journey entailed numerous virtual events and workshops, through which this group contributed with their unique perspectives and experiences in envisioning the future of displaced people in a world of increased climate crisis and high technology. The journey culminated in two big conferences called ‘DRC Global Events’ that highlighted key insights, action, and approaches to inspire action amongst its 200+ participants.


Succes med generativ kunstig intelligens starter med ledelsen Ledelsen skal sætte retning og rammer så medarbejderne kommer i gang med effektiv og ansvarlig udbredelse og anvendelse af generativ kunstig intelligens i organisationen – en teknologi med bredt potentiale for at skabe ny værdi, innovation og effektiviseringer.

Who we are_

DareDisrupt is a Nordic think tank and consultancy. We are on a mission to create paths towards a desirable future. We learn about disruption from the intersection of technology and humanism. We teach. We scout. We make tools to help us think. Our strategic thinking emerges from sensemaking. We are currently asking what is beyond sustainability?

Global agenda setting with the Danish Refugee

Change happens at the edges of your industry and at the edges of society. At those edges, the opportunities for innovation and cross-fertilization are the greatest. We are heading into a decade of disruption where your ability to envision your own desirable future and motivate your organization is key to success. We are here to help.